maig 1997 |
Determination of the direct band-gap energy of InAlAs matched to InP by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; López-de Miguel, Manel
; Cornet i Calveras, Albert
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
Determination of the direct band-gap energy of InAlAs matched to InP by photoluminescence excitation spectroscopy |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; López-de Miguel, Manel
; Cornet i Calveras, Albert
; Morante i Lleonart, Joan R.
Determination of thermal conductivity of powders in different atmospheres by differential scanning calorimetry |
Sánchez-Rodríguez, Daniel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Determination of thermal conductivity of powders in different atmospheres by differential scanning calorimetry |
Sánchez-Rodríguez, Daniel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
5 juny 2018 |
Determination of thermal conductivity of powders in different atmospheres by differential scanning calorimetry |
Sánchez-Rodríguez, Daniel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
2015 |
Determination of thermal conductivity of powders in different atmospheres by differential scanning calorimetry |
Sánchez-Rodríguez, Daniel
; López-Olmedo, Joan Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
30 maig 2007 |
Determinisme, aleatorietat i incertesa |
Ferrer Comalat, Joan Carles
1986 |
"Determinisme i llibertat": aproximació a un diàleg |
Miró i Ametller, Joan
2008 |
Deu anys, deu propostes d’intervenció en el paisatge |
Sala, Joan
1994 |
Deu anys de Fòrum de Teatre |
Fluvià, Joan
1983 |
Deu a la quaranta |
Miró i Ametller, Joan
Development of batch-culture enrichment coupled to molecular detection for screening of natural and man-made environments in search of anammox bacteria for N-removal bioreactors systems |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
; Cáliz Gelador, Joan
; Balaguer i Condom, Maria Dolors
; Colprim Galceran, Jesús
; Vila Portella, Xavier
abril 2009 |
Development of batch-culture enrichment coupled to molecular detection for screening of natural and man-made environments in search of anammox bacteria for N-removal bioreactors systems |
Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre
; Cáliz Gelador, Joan
; Balaguer i Condom, Maria Dolors
; Colprim Galceran, Jesús
; Vila Portella, Xavier
Development and external validation of a faecal immunochemical test-based prediction model for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients |
Cubiella, Joaquín
; Vega, Pablo
; Salve, María
; Díaz Ondina, Marta
; Alves, Maria Teresa
; Quintero, Enrique
; Álvarez Sánchez, Victoria
; Fernández Bañares, Fernándo
; Boadas, Jaume
; Campo, Rafel
; Bujanda, Luis
; Clofent, Joan
; Ferrandez, Ángel
; Torrealba, Leyanira
; Piñol Sánchez, Virgínia
; Rodríguez Alcalde, Daniel
; Hernández, Vicent
; Fernández Seara, Javier
Development and external validation of a faecal immunochemical test-based prediction model for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients |
Cubiella, Joaquín
; Vega, Pablo
; Salve, María
; Díaz Ondina, Marta
; Alves, Maria Teresa
; Quintero, Enrique
; Álvarez Sánchez, Victoria
; Fernández Bañares, Fernándo
; Boadas, Jaume
; Campo, Rafel
; Bujanda, Luis
; Clofent, Joan
; Ferrandez, Ángel
; Torrealba, Leyanira
; Piñol Sánchez, Virgínia
; Rodríguez Alcalde, Daniel
; Hernández, Vicent
; Fernández Seara, Javier
5 juny 2018 |
Development and external validation of a faecal immunochemical test-based prediction model for colorectal cancer detection in symptomatic patients |
Cubiella, Joaquín
; Vega, Pablo
; Salve, María
; Díaz Ondina, Marta
; Alves, Maria Teresa
; Quintero, Enrique
; Álvarez Sánchez, Victoria
; Fernández Bañares, Fernándo
; Boadas, Jaume
; Campo, Rafel
; Bujanda, Luis
; Clofent, Joan
; Ferrandez, Ángel
; Torrealba, Leyanira
; Piñol Sánchez, Virgínia
; Rodríguez Alcalde, Daniel
; Hernández, Vicent
; Fernández Seara, Javier
Development of a new underdrain for improving the efficiency of microirrigation sand media filters |
Ramírez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Bové Masmiquel, Josep
; Puig Bargués, Jaume
; Arbat Pujolràs, Gerard
; Duran i Ros, Miquel
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
; Pujol Planella, Joan
1 gener 2017 |
Development of a new underdrain for improving the efficiency of microirrigation sand media filters |
Ramírez de Cartagena Bisbe, Francisco
; Bové Masmiquel, Josep
; Puig Bargués, Jaume
; Arbat Pujolràs, Gerard
; Duran i Ros, Miquel
; Pujol i Sagaró, Toni
; Pujol Planella, Joan
The development of professional competences using the interdisciplinary project approach with university students |
González Carrasco, Mònica
; Francés Ortega, Jesús
; Castro Vila, Rodolfo de
; Castañer i Vivas, Margarida
; San Molina, Juan Lorenzo
; Martí Bonmatí, Joan
5 juny 2018 |
The development of professional competences using the interdisciplinary project approach with university students |
González Carrasco, Mònica
; Francés Ortega, Jesús
; Castro Vila, Rodolfo de
; Castañer i Vivas, Margarida
; San Molina, Juan Lorenzo
; Martí Bonmatí, Joan
2016 |
The development of professional competences using the interdisciplinary project approach with university students |
González Carrasco, Mònica
; Francés Ortega, Jesús
; Castro Vila, Rodolfo de
; Castañer i Vivas, Margarida
; San Molina, Joan
; Martí Bonmatí, Joan
15 gener 2018 |
Development and study of nanocrystalline and amorphous soft-ferromagnetic alloys |
Bonastre i Muñoz, Jordi
Diagnosi integral de les necessitats de formació universitària a Girona: resum executiu |
Botella Corral, Joan
; Sáez, Lluís
; Serracant, Pau
2007 |
Diagnosi integral de les necessitats de formació universitària a Girona: resum executiu |
Botella Corral, Joan
; Sáez, Lluís
; Serracant, Pau
26 març 2010 |
Diàleg entre Sitesize i Joan Nogué |
; Nogué i Font, Joan